Mary Elizabeth Leach Raines

Mary Elizabeth Leach Raines
The Laughing Cherub



Just so you all are aware, I am not good with emojis. When people receive a text or a message from me, somehow I can never find the hearts, so I tend to send pictures of food. Food emojis come up for me much more easily than hearts. (My phone knows me well.)

I think everyone should substitute food for hearts, because it can indicate varieties and levels of emotion, whereas hearts are kind of generic and cliche. For instance, I just sent a bagel (or, hmm, perhaps it was a plain donut) to my daughter-in-law in thanks for a short video of my little baby granddaughter. In either case, that's a treat, whereas hearts are kind of...yawn.

Vegetables can indicate whimsy; hearts can't do that! A cabbage or a carrot will certainly make someone pause. I would not attach a heart to a message to a boss, but a salad would not be out of order.

If a person gets a piece of fruit from me, that means I really like them a lot. And a response from me containing high positive emotion calls for a slice of pizza. Think about it. Doesn't bringing pizza to mind give you a strong visceral reaction, and one that is pleasurable?

The supreme emoji that I could bestow would be an ice cream cone or a piece of pie, but I have not yet sent either of those to anyone. You have to be selective, you know, and not just scatter love indiscriminately and promiscuously. For me, an ice cream cone or a piece of pie is the equivalent of a blushing emoji blowing kisses with little hearts circling it. I would personally like someone a whole lot better if they came to my house and brought me an ice cream cone or pie than if they blew a kiss at me. That's just me.

You've been forewarned. 

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